Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Power of WYE: No Country Music for Old Ben

Over the past few weeks I have come to some revelations, no nothing of supreme importance but more observations in human development. This stems from observed differences between myself and my family. At best these are gross over generalizations but I have stopped ignoring the uncanny. In our past, studies were done about music and the developing brain or even musics' effects on plants. To avoid the shear multitude of offenses against stupid people, I will not make judgments on the smartness of certain music listeners. I will, however, reiterate that that Classical music always ranks the highest and Rock n Roll and even Metal are bright contenders on the spectrum, not all music is as fortunate. My over generalizations are all about how someone wants to think, yes choices and not hardwired bereavement of the mind. With music, you would assume there are so many different categories and so much placement, this is going to be so difficult. In all my audacity I state there are three different types of songs; sing along songs, songs that shouldn't exist, and everything else.

Sing-along songs:

This is where I offend so many people on so many levels, but in all fairness I enjoy my sing-along song every now and then but I just can't and won't listen to it much of the time. Defining sing-along music, should be fairly straight forward, it is music that is easy to sing along with and the words are usually very rudimentary. The best examples, I feel exposer from, include; country, pop, and anything without a complex musical composition. Songs that are all about the words and all the music does is serve a metronomic device that lest you know when to reiterate that all too familiar refrain. Songs that are easy to learn and ones where the lyrics have a lack of metaphoric content or at least good metaphoric content. These are not songs that really make you think, “But you have to repeat the words, you are thinking.”, nope you're not. You are processing from memory the words that you've heard, like a robot. Calculaters do not think.

Songs that shouldn't exist:

These are songs of little to no value, often heard in clubs and usually altered so you can grope another person. Altered because they weren't even good enough to just play, these are the most ridiculous songs and are usually one hit or few hit wonders. Wonders as in you wonder why anyone would consider this a good song. Yeah they are fun songs but seriously if they fell off the face of the Earth you wouldn't really miss them. And they are all too easily replaced by another R&B group, rapper, disc spinner, and pop diva. I do get some exposure to this music but as of lately I find myself skipping it and deleting them from my archives. Surely there must be good Rap and R&B, they do not play it in clubs and drugs, sex, and super soaking that ho is not the main theme of the song. As I said, these can be fun songs but honestly, does U and Dat booty make a significant difference.

Everything else:

Everything else, big category for big songs. Intricate scores heathered with a vastness of notes and lyrics. From classical pieces to Metal and all in between, this array of music stimulates central processes in the brain because of it's complexity. “I don't like it because I can't understand it.” All that surrounds us is not to be fully understood, and giving in to that feeling allows one to understand more than his others. Even better is the nonsense that can have so many meaning, only those they set in stone a definition have lost the the beauty of the piece. These are not those “Tequila makes her cloths fall off” or “I like big butts and I can not lie” songs, these are the “Ribonucleic acid freak out, the power of prayer. Long halls of science and all the lunatics committed there. Robot Lords of Tokyo, SMILE TASTE KITTENS! Did you not know that the royal hunting grounds are always forbidden?”

The types of People we are:

There are two types, too simple to not be true, too complex to be believed. Those that ask why and those that don't. Those that ask why just can not accept an answer to be true, they want to know what makes it true. It is not that they want to be difficult, the why helps to develop their self though and discovery. It gives them the power to be an authority on subjects because they know why things are they way they are and that can be used to understand other things. Debating over everything and anything, choosing a side just to give audience to the idea. They do not need to believe in the argument but they fully understand the position. It is all about a higher stimulation. It is about freedom of the mind. Show me everything, so that I might understand all and nothing.

The second peoples accept what they are told, and prefer fun that is easy and does not require deep thought. To be able to shut off a desire to learn, I am sure I seem to despise these people but in fact I find them fascinating. Not because I want to but because I have to. They, I can not fully understand, why would you not ask why it is a choice to know less. Every day there is more and you chose to know less about everything than you did the day before. These are the know what you must but forsake more, it can not be worth it. I am not say these people are not high functioning, on the contrary, they are highly skilled at what they do but there lives seem to be all about what they know and not about what they could know. Keep it short simple and to the point, repeat.

In the end, there are designers and builders, those that draw the blue prints and those that follow those prints. I recommend you chose to unlock your ability to ask why, no matter what you listen to and prove my over generalizations wrong.

Perhaps all this is about inner demons, those Firsts are in constant battle and must arm themselves with what ever stimulations as possible. The Seconds, either have no demons or can ignore those demons. Who is most blessed, if any.

With love from Lodi,

Ben Hable

Thought is just ranting, if no one is there to listen.

Word of the Blog – Brought to you by

Bias (noun) - A preference or an inclination, especially one that inhibits impartial judgment.
“This blog is so fraking bias.”

The Jabberwocky:
Does nonsense breed intelligence or stupidity?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Long Story Short

Only my third blog and I've fallen behind, giving no excuses or reasoning.  Well as the title says, I'll make a long story short.  About a month ago I was laid off from work, it sucks but things could be worse and instead of sulking in my own pity I've kept rather busy.  On to the list of things I've accomplished and those I need to get done.  These will be in as much a chronological order as possible.


Planed more of my costume for camp

Spent time with my Cousin and my God Child

Got new tires for my truck and changed the oil

Went to Lost Night

Trekked to Houghton with Brock to visit Joel and Danielle and all the others up in the UP

Watched Escanaba in da Moonlight

Ate Pastys

Brought Pastys back 

Played with my siblings dogs

Visited the family

Watched Seasons 1, 2, and 3 of Battlestar Galactica

Went to Lost Night

Visited Ben at UW-Stout

Drove to St Cloud to pick up Darcy for Trivia

Played in 90 FM Trivia 40

Drove back to St Cloud to drop off Darcy

Visited Ben at UW-Stout again.

Watched movies

Caught up on Dollhouse

Things I need to do:

Visit El Paso and wish my Brother the best of luck

Another Lost Night

Finish Battlestar Galactica

Work on costume

Staff Weekend 2

Lost Night again??

Finish costume

Go camping

Finish Where to go Camping

Spring Work Trek

Get a situation organized for the animals at camp

Memorial weekend camping

Hopefully, work will resume and I can get back to the grind.  Until then, I'll be offering my services, volunteering at the camps I so tenderly love.

With love from Lodi,

Ben Hable

p.s. I'm headed to El Paso tomorrow so I didn't include any additional tidbits.  I do promise next week to write something, gonna read Nietzsche on the planes.  I am also accumulating random sayings into a nonsense poem so look forward to that.